Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer


al-Daylam - الديلم (region) Names: Mountainous region south of the Caspian Sea.URI:
Egypt - ܡܨܪܝܢ - مصر (region) Names: The northeastern corner of Africa where the Nile meets the Mediterranean Sea .URI:
Egypt - ܡܨܪܝܢ - مصر (region) Names: The northeastern corner of Africa where the Nile meets the Mediterranean Sea .URI:
Egypt - ܡܨܪܝܢ - مصر (region) Names: The northeastern corner of Africa where the Nile meets the Mediterranean Sea .URI:
Ethiopia - الحبش (region) Names: al-Ḥabashal-Ḥabashaal-HabashA region on the Nile near the Horn of Africa .URI:
Ethiopia - الحبش (region) Names: al-Ḥabashal-Ḥabashaal-HabashA region on the Nile near the Horn of Africa .URI:
Fars - فارس (region) Names: FārsBilād Fārs"A region in southwestern Iran , often identified as the heartland of the Iranian people."URI:
Fars - فارس (region) Names: FārsBilād Fārs"A region in southwestern Iran , often identified as the heartland of the Iranian people."URI:
al-Ghūṭa - الغوطة (region) Names: Ghouta"The G̲h̲ūṭa of Dimas̲h̲ḳ q v is the area of gardens and orchards which surrounds the former Umayyad capital below the gorges of Rabwa..."URI:
al-Ghūṭa - الغوطة (region) Names: Ghouta"The G̲h̲ūṭa of Dimas̲h̲ḳ q v is the area of gardens and orchards which surrounds the former Umayyad capital below the gorges of Rabwa..."URI:
Ḥaḍramawt - حضرموت (region) Names: "The name Ḥaḍramawt is applicable in its strictest sense to the deep valley running parallel to the southern coast of Arabia from roughly 48°..."URI:
Ḥaḍramawt - حضرموت (region) Names: "The name Ḥaḍramawt is applicable in its strictest sense to the deep valley running parallel to the southern coast of Arabia from roughly 48°..."URI:
Hanj - هنج (region) Names: A city or region in southern Iran close to Lār and Bāl.URI:
Hanj - هنج (region) Names: A city or region in southern Iran close to Lār and Bāl.URI:
Ḥawārān - حوران (region) Names: Ḥawrān"R egion of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the..."URI:
Ḥawārān - حوران (region) Names: Ḥawrān"R egion of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the..."URI:
Ḥawrān - ܚܘܪܢ - حوران (region) Names: HawranḤaurān"A region of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the plateau..."URI:
Ḥawrān - ܚܘܪܢ - حوران (region) Names: HawranḤaurān"A region of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the plateau..."URI: