al-ʿUlā - العلا
[A] town of the Ḥid̲j̲āz in north-western Arabia, lying in what was the early Islamic Wādī ’l-Ḳurā, at the southeastern end of the Ḥarrat al-ʿUwayriḍ and below a hill called Umm Nāṣir (lat. 26° 38ʹ N., long. 37° 57ʹ E., altitude 674 m/2,210 feet).2


  • العلا1
  • al-ʿUlā

Place Type



  • Coordinates :
    • Lat. 26.61667° Long. 37.91667°3


ثم سافرنا من المدينة الشريفة الى العلا وتبوك5
ومن عادة حجاج الشام إذا وصلوا منزل تبوك، أخذوا أسلحتهم، وجرّدوا سيوفهم، وحملوا على المنزل وضربوا النخيل بسيوفهم، ويقولون: هكذا دخلها رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. وينزل الركب العظيم على هذه العين فيروي منها جميعهم، ويقيمون أربعة أيام للراحة وإرواء الجمال واستعداد الماء للبرية المخوفة التي بين العلا وتبوك.4
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Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 127, 667.
  • 2 P. Bearman (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition
  • 3 GeoHack, ","
  • 4 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 127.
  • 5 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 667.

How to Cite This Entry

al-ʿUlā - العلا ” in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, last modified January 10, 2020,


al-ʿUlā - العلا .” In The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, edited by Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine and Mario Kozah. Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, 2020. Entry published January 10, 2020.

About this Entry

Entry Title: al-ʿUlā - العلا

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • Haya Al Thani, general editor, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute
  • Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine, and Mario Kozah, editors, The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer
  • , entry contributor, “al-ʿUlā - العلا

Additional Credit:

  • Additional research from Encyclopedia of Islam and the Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Data correction and integration from Ibn Battuta, al-Bakri, al-Tabari, Nasir Khusraw, Ibn Jubayr, Isho’yahb III, Al-Muqaddasī, Ibn Ḥawqal, Al-Masūdī, Yāqūt b. ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥamawī by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Ibn Battuta data collection by Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn
  • Ibn Battuta data collection by Abdul Rahman Chamseddine
  • Data merging and XML by William L. Potter
  • Data merging and XML by David A. Michelson

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2020.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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