[A] town of southwestern Persia in the mediaeval Islamic province of Ahwāz [q.v.] and the modern one ( ustān ) of K̲h̲ūzistān (lat. 32° 03’ N., long. 48° 51’ E.). It stands on a cliff to the west of which runs the river Kārūn [q.v.], the middle course of which begins a few miles north of the town.6


  • تستر5
  • تُسْتَر4
  • Shushtar1
  • Shūshter3
  • Shushterin1
  • Suster2
  • Tustar1

Place Type



  • Coordinates (alternate):
    • Lat. 32.049999° Long. 48.849999°7
  • Coordinates (preferred):
    • Lat. 32.05° Long. 48.85°1


انظر لشاذروان تستر واعجب من جمعه ماء لريّ بلاده كکمی قوم جمّعت أمواله فغدا يفرّقها على أجناده9
ثم سافرنا من مدينة تستر ثلاثا في جبال شامخة.11
ثم وصلت إلى مدينة تستر، وهي آخر البسيط من بلاد أتابك، وأول الجبال مدينة كبيرة رائقة نضرة.8
وكان مجلسه مجلس علم ووعظ وبركة وتبادر التائبون فأخذ عليهم العهد وجز نواصيهم، وكانوا خمسة عشر رجلا من الطلبة قدّموا من البصرة برسم ذلك، وعشر رجال من عوّام تستر.10
A city in Khuzistan.


Attestation of name تُسْتَر in the Muʿjam al-buldān of Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī.

تُسْتَر4 4
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Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 The Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage, pp: 72, map: Map I D3.
  • 2 The Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity, entry: Suster.
  • 3 David Wilmshurst, The Ecclesiastical Organisation of the Church of the East, 1318-1913, pp: 346.
  • 4 Yāqūt al-Ḥamawī, Muʿjam al-buldān, vol: II, pp: 34.
  • 5 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 202, 203, 204, 205.
  • 6 P. Bearman (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition
  • 7 Roger Bagnall et al. (eds.), "," Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places
  • 8 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 202.
  • 9 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 203.
  • 10 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 204.
  • 11 Ibn Baṭṭūta, Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār, pp: 205.

How to Cite This Entry

Thomas A. Carlson, “Shushtar” in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, last modified January 10, 2020,


Thomas A. Carlson, “Shushtar.” In The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, edited by Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine and Mario Kozah. Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, 2020. Entry published January 10, 2020.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Shushtar

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • Haya Al Thani, general editor, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute
  • Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine, and Mario Kozah, editors, The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer
  • Thomas A. Carlson, entry contributor, “Shushtar

Additional Credit:

  • Additional research from Encyclopedia of Islam and the Gorgias Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Syriac Heritage by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Data correction and integration from Ibn Battuta, al-Bakri, al-Tabari, Nasir Khusraw, Ibn Jubayr, Isho’yahb III, Al-Muqaddasī, Ibn Ḥawqal, Al-Masūdī, Yāqūt b. ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥamawī by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Ibn Battuta data collection by Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn
  • Ibn Battuta data collection by Abdul Rahman Chamseddine
  • Data merging and XML by William L. Potter
  • Data merging and XML by David A. Michelson
  • Data merging, Pleiades and Wikipedia linking, and XML by Thomas A. Carlson
  • Wilmshurst index information entry by Anthony Davis

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Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2020.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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