Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

al-Ḥawīzā - الحويزا (settlement) Names: al-Ḥawīzāʾal-HawīzaHawīzaHoveyzehHawīzehHūzgānKhūzgānA city located between Tustar and Baṣra in Khuzestan.URI:
Ḥawrān - ܚܘܪܢ - حوران (region) Names: HawranḤaurān"A region of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the plateau..."URI:
Ḥawrān - ܚܘܪܢ - حوران (region) Names: HawranḤaurān"A region of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the plateau..."URI:
Ḥawrān - ܚܘܪܢ - حوران (region) Names: HawranḤaurān"A region of southern Syria bounded to the east by the volcanic massif of the D̲j̲abal al Durūz to the north by the plateau..."URI:
Hayṭal - هيطل (region) Names: One of the jānibs of the Mashriq (Sijistān, Khurāsān, Transoxania) located in its south. Its miṣr is Samarqand. (A. Miquel).URI:
Hayṭal - هيطل (region) Names: One of the jānibs of the Mashriq (Sijistān, Khurāsān, Transoxania) located in its south. Its miṣr is Samarqand. (A. Miquel).URI:
al-Haythamān - الهيثمان (settlement) Names: al-Haythamaynal-Haytamānal-HaytamaynA town near al-Tanānīr in northern Arabia.URI:
al-Haythamān - الهيثمان (settlement) Names: al-Haythamaynal-Haytamānal-HaytamaynA town near al-Tanānīr in northern Arabia.URI:
al-Ḥāzim - الحازم (mountain) Names: A black mountain in the middle of the sea and close to Uwāl famous with pearl divers.URI:
al-Ḥāzim - الحازم (mountain) Names: A black mountain in the middle of the sea and close to Uwāl famous with pearl divers.URI:
al-Ḥijāz - الحجاز (region) Names: ḤijāzA region in western Arabia , containing Mecca and Medina .URI:
al-Ḥijāz - الحجاز (region) Names: ḤijāzA region in western Arabia , containing Mecca and Medina .URI:
al-Ḥilla - الحلة (settlement) Names: "[A] town situated on the Euphrates midway between al-Kūfa and Bag̲h̲dād near the ruins of ancient Bābil."URI:
al-Ḥilla - الحلة (settlement) Names: "[A] town situated on the Euphrates midway between al-Kūfa and Bag̲h̲dād near the ruins of ancient Bābil."URI: