Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Athūr - اثور (region) Names: "Modern ḳalʿat s̲h̲arḳāt a large ancient mound on the west bank of the River Tigris in the vilāyet of Mawṣil about 250 km north..."URI:
Athūr - اثور (region) Names: "Modern ḳalʿat s̲h̲arḳāt a large ancient mound on the west bank of the River Tigris in the vilāyet of Mawṣil about 250 km north..."URI:
Atil - اتل (settlement) Names: "Atil or Itil sometimes Atil Itil Khazarān also Ḵh̲azarān Atil the Ḵh̲azar capital a double town on the lower Volga itself called Atil Itil..."URI:
Atil - اتل (settlement) Names: "Atil or Itil sometimes Atil Itil Khazarān also Ḵh̲azarān Atil the Ḵh̲azar capital a double town on the lower Volga itself called Atil Itil..."URI:
Aveh - آوة (region) Names: ĀvehHavehĀvahĀwaProbably a region around the town of Āwa located southwest of Qazwīn.URI:
Aveh - آوة (region) Names: ĀvehHavehĀvahĀwaProbably a region around the town of Āwa located southwest of Qazwīn.URI:
ʿAydhāb - عيذاب (settlement) Names: A ancient port city in the southeast of Egypt.URI:
ʿAydhāb - عيذاب (settlement) Names: A ancient port city in the southeast of Egypt.URI: