Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Sharshāl - شرشال (settlement) Names: Cherchell"C onventional French form Cherchell a town of Algeria the chef lieu of an arrondissement in the department of al Aṣnām formerly Orléansville..."URI:
Sharshāl - شرشال (settlement) Names: Cherchell"C onventional French form Cherchell a town of Algeria the chef lieu of an arrondissement in the department of al Aṣnām formerly Orléansville..."URI:
al-Shāsh - طشقند (settlement) Names: Tashkent"U sually written Tās̲h̲kend or Tas̲h̲kend in Arabic and Persian manuscripts a large town in Central Asia in the oasis of the Čirčik..."URI:
al-Shāsh - طشقند (settlement) Names: Tashkent"U sually written Tās̲h̲kend or Tas̲h̲kend in Arabic and Persian manuscripts a large town in Central Asia in the oasis of the Čirčik..."URI:
ٍShawankāra - شونكارة (settlement) Names: ShawānkāraShabānkāraShabankarehA town in Fars province.URI:
ٍShawankāra - شونكارة (settlement) Names: ShawānkāraShabānkāraShabankarehA town in Fars province.URI:
Shaʿb ʿAlī - شعب علي (settlement) Names: Shaʿb ʿAlī was most likely a town near Medina.URI:
Shaʿb ʿAlī - شعب علي (settlement) Names: Shaʿb ʿAlī was most likely a town near Medina.URI:
Shibbā - شبا (settlement) Names: ShibbaA town in the historic region of ʿUmān.URI:
Shibbā - شبا (settlement) Names: ShibbaA town in the historic region of ʿUmān.URI:
Shiraz - شيراز (settlement) Names: ShīrāzA city of Fārs located east of the gulf .URI:
Shiraz - شيراز (settlement) Names: ShīrāzA city of Fārs located east of the gulf .URI:
al-Shuqūq - الشقوق (settlement) Names: A town in the north of the Arabian Peninsula south of Zubāla The town is part of the Darb Zubayda the famous pilgrim highway...URI:
al-Shuqūq - الشقوق (settlement) Names: A town in the north of the Arabian Peninsula south of Zubāla The town is part of the Darb Zubayda the famous pilgrim highway...URI:
Shushtar - تستر (settlement) Names: ShushterinTustarSusterShūshter"A town of southwestern Persia in the mediaeval Islamic province of Ahwāz q v and the modern one ustān of K̲h̲ūzistān lat 32°..."URI:
Shushtar - تستر (settlement) Names: ShushterinTustarSusterShūshter"A town of southwestern Persia in the mediaeval Islamic province of Ahwāz q v and the modern one ustān of K̲h̲ūzistān lat 32°..."URI: