Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Iṣṭakhr - اصطخر (settlement) Names: "Iṣṭak̲h̲r lies in 29° 50 N Lat and about 53° E Long a short hour s journey north of Persepolis in the narrow..."URI:
Iṣṭakhr - اصطخر (settlement) Names: "Iṣṭak̲h̲r lies in 29° 50 N Lat and about 53° E Long a short hour s journey north of Persepolis in the narrow..."URI:
Jamkān - جمكان (settlement) Names: JamakānA town in between Kārzīn and Meymand in Fars Province in Iran.URI:
Jamkān - جمكان (settlement) Names: JamakānA town in between Kārzīn and Meymand in Fars Province in Iran.URI:
Jeddah - جدة (settlement) Names: JiddaJudda"A Saudi Arabian port on the Red Sea at 21° 29′ N., 39° 11′ E."URI:
Jeddah - جدة (settlement) Names: JiddaJudda"A Saudi Arabian port on the Red Sea at 21° 29′ N., 39° 11′ E."URI:
Jericho (settlement) Names: ArīḥāHierichousA town near the Jordan river east of Jerusalem .URI:
al-Juhfa - الجحفة (settlement) Names: A city north of Mecca serving as mīqāt for pilgrims from Shām, Miṣr, and the Maghrib.URI:
al-Juhfa - الجحفة (settlement) Names: A city north of Mecca serving as mīqāt for pilgrims from Shām, Miṣr, and the Maghrib.URI: