(eds.), "Tanas - تنس " in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer last modified January 10, 2020, https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5490 Tanas تنس Ténès [A] town on the coast of Algeria (lat. 36° 30′ N., long. 1° 18′ E.) equidistant from Algiers and Arzew. This Berber town had near it in Antiquity a Phoenician trading-post and then a Punic landing-stage. وتنس مدينة عليها سور ولها ابواب عدة وبعضها على جبل قد احاط به السور 36.510308 1.3131 https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5490 http://syriaca.org/place/5490 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/295240 Kitāb al-masālik wa al-mamālik Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad Ibn Ḥawqal 52 Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition P. Bearman http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/295240Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places Roger Bagnall Richard Talbert Tom Elliott Lindsay Holman et al.