Balkh - بلخ
A city located in the Balkh region in northern Afghanistan and located osuth of the Amu Darya (Oxus). Located along the silk road and important center of Zoroastrianism.


  • بلخ1
  • Balkh

Place Type



  • Coordinates :
    • Lat. 36.755213° Long. 66.899731°2


عسقلان مدينة على ساحل فلسطين ومنبر ببلخ1
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Works Cited

Any information without attribution has been created following the editorial guidelines.

  • 1 Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Maqdisī, Aḥsan al-taqāsīm fī maʿrifat al-aqālīm, pp: 24.
  • 2 Roger Bagnall et al. (eds.), "," Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places

How to Cite This Entry

Tobias Scheunchen, “Balkh - بلخ ” in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, last modified January 10, 2020,


Tobias Scheunchen, “Balkh - بلخ .” In The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer, edited by Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine and Mario Kozah. Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute, 2020. Entry published January 10, 2020.

About this Entry

Entry Title: Balkh - بلخ

Authorial and Editorial Responsibility:

  • Haya Al Thani, general editor, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute
  • Haya Al Thani, Saif al-Murikhi, Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, Abdul Rahman Chamseddine, and Mario Kozah, editors, The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer
  • Tobias Scheunchen, entry contributor, “Balkh - بلخ

Additional Credit:

  • Research on coordinates by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Data correction and integration from Ibn Battuta, al-Bakri, al-Tabari, Nasir Khusraw, Ibn Jubayr, Isho’yahb III, Al-Muqaddasī, Ibn Ḥawqal, Al-Masūdī, Yāqūt b. ʿAbdallāh al-Ḥamawī by Tobias Scheunchen
  • Al-Muqaddasī data collection by Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn
  • Al-Muqaddasī data collection by Abdul Rahman Chamseddine
  • Data merging and XML by William L. Potter
  • Data merging and XML by David A. Michelson

Copyright and License for Reuse

Except otherwise noted, this page is © 2020.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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