(eds.), "al-Ubulla - الأبلة " in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer last modified January 10, 2020, https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5142 al-Ubulla الأبلة A town of mediaeval ʿIrāḳ situated in the Euphrates-Tigris delta region at the head of the Persian Gulf and famed as the terminal for commerce from India and further east.ورکبوا بحر فارس من الأبلئ الى هرمز 30.521707 47.833151 https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5142 http://syriaca.org/place/5142 http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/912807 Riḥlat Ibn Baṭṭūta. Tuḥfat al-nuẓẓār fī gharāʾib al-amṣār wa-ʿajāʾib al-asfār Ibn Baṭṭūta 170 Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition P. Bearman http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/912807Pleiades: A Gazetteer of Past Places Roger Bagnall Richard Talbert Tom Elliott Lindsay Holman et al.