(eds.), "al-Samāwa - السماوة " in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer last modified January 10, 2020, https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5117 al-Samāwa السماوة Al-Samāwa was the name given, in the definition of al-Bakrī ( Muʿd̲j̲am mā staʿd̲j̲am , Cairo 1364-71/1945-51, iii, 754, copied by Yāḳūt, Buldān , ed. Beirut, iii, 245), during mediaeval Islamic times to the desert and steppeland lying between al-Kūfa and Syria. 31.33198 45.2944 https://bqgazetteer.bethmardutho.org/place/5117 http://syriaca.org/place/5117 http://sws.geonames.org/98530 Riḥlat Ibn Jubayr Ibn Jubayr M.J. de Goeje 260 Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition P. Bearman http://sws.geonames.org/98530GeoNames Marc Wick