Tobias Scheunchen (eds.), "al-Khawarnaq - الخورنق " in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer last modified January 10, 2020, al-Khawarnaq الخورنق In present-day Iraq, Ḵawarnaq is a place in the district al-Qādisiyya near the archeological site of al-Ḥira (q.v.) and the city of Najaf (q.v.), lat 31°48′ N, long 44°44′ E (according to, s.v. Khawarnaq; cf. also Salmān, maps 89-90). ثم تمتد ديار العرب على نواحى الكوفة والحيرة على الخورنق وعلى سواد الكوفة الى حد واسط Kitāb al-masālik wa al-mamālikAbū al-Qāsim Muḥammad Ibn Ḥawqal 17 ḴAWARNAQ Encyclopaedia Iranica Renate Würsch Ehsan Yarshater Mohsen Ashtiany Mahnaz Moazami ḴAWARNAQ