Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Ṭukhāristān - طخارستان (region) Names: Tocharistan"T he name found in earlier mediaeval Islamic sources for the region along the southern banks of the middle and upper Oxus river..."URI:
Ṭukhāristān - طخارستان (region) Names: Tocharistan"T he name found in earlier mediaeval Islamic sources for the region along the southern banks of the middle and upper Oxus river..."URI:
Ṭūs - طوس (settlement) Names: A medieval city in northeastern Persia .URI:
Ṭūs - طوس (settlement) Names: A medieval city in northeastern Persia .URI:
Tyros - صور (settlement) Names: TyreAn important port city of the eastern Mediterranean Sea west of Damascus .URI:
Tyros - صور (settlement) Names: TyreAn important port city of the eastern Mediterranean Sea west of Damascus .URI:
al-Ubulla - الأبلة (settlement) Names: "A town of mediaeval ʿIrāḳ situated in the Euphrates Tigris delta region at the head of the Persian Gulf and famed as the terminal..."URI:
al-Ubulla - الأبلة (settlement) Names: "A town of mediaeval ʿIrāḳ situated in the Euphrates Tigris delta region at the head of the Persian Gulf and famed as the terminal..."URI:
Udum [?] - أدم (settlement) Names: A town about a dayʼs journey from Mecca.URI:
Udum [?] - أدم (settlement) Names: A town about a dayʼs journey from Mecca.URI:
Uḥud - أحد (mountain) Names: "A rocky plateau topped mountain that lies about 5 km 3 miles north of Medina and the site of an important battle between..."URI:
Uḥud - أحد (mountain) Names: "A rocky plateau topped mountain that lies about 5 km 3 miles north of Medina and the site of an important battle between..."URI: