Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Qubbat Umm Salama - قبة أم سلمة (unknown) Names: According to Ibn Jubayr the tomb of Umm Salama is located on top of a mountain close to Mecca.URI:
Qubbat ʿUmar - قبة عمر (unknown) Names: The shrine of ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb between al-Ṣafā and al-Marwa.URI:
Qubbat ʿUmar - قبة عمر (unknown) Names: The shrine of ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb between al-Ṣafā and al-Marwa.URI:
Qūhistān - قوهستان (province) Names: "This is the mountainous and partially arable region which stretches south of Nīs̲h̲āpūr as far as Sīstān in the south-east."URI:
Qūhistān - قوهستان (province) Names: "This is the mountainous and partially arable region which stretches south of Nīs̲h̲āpūr as far as Sīstān in the south-east."URI:
al-Qulzum - القلزم (settlement) Names: QulzumKlysmaClysmaClysmoOvilia"A n ancient town and seaport on the Red Sea A Baḥr al Ḳulzum q v Baḥr al Hind or Baḥr al Ḥabas̲h̲a..."URI:
al-Qulzum - القلزم (settlement) Names: QulzumKlysmaClysmaClysmoOvilia"A n ancient town and seaport on the Red Sea A Baḥr al Ḳulzum q v Baḥr al Hind or Baḥr al Ḥabas̲h̲a..."URI:
Qūmis - قومس (region) Names: KomiseneKomishA region between al-Ray and Naysābūr , around al-Dāmaghān .URI:
Qūmis - قومس (region) Names: KomiseneKomishA region between al-Ray and Naysābūr , around al-Dāmaghān .URI:
Qumm - قم (settlement) Names: QumQom"A city of central Iran Media in ancient times later D̲j̲ibāl or ʿIrāḳ i ad̲j̲am situated in lat 34°38 N and long 50°58..."URI:
Qumm - قم (settlement) Names: QumQom"A city of central Iran Media in ancient times later D̲j̲ibāl or ʿIrāḳ i ad̲j̲am situated in lat 34°38 N and long 50°58..."URI:
Qundūs - قندوس (settlement) Names: KunduzDrapsakaA town in the region of Qataghān in Afghanistan.URI:
Qundūs - قندوس (settlement) Names: KunduzDrapsakaA town in the region of Qataghān in Afghanistan.URI:
al-Qurayyāt - القريات (settlement) Names: Quriyatal-QuriyātQurayyatA small town 83 km southeast of Muscat.URI:
al-Qurayyāt - القريات (settlement) Names: Quriyatal-QuriyātQurayyatA small town 83 km southeast of Muscat.URI:
Qurṭuba - قرطبة (settlement) Names: CórdobaCordobaCordova"A town of southern Spain situated at 370 feet above sea level on the right north bank of the central course of the..."URI: