Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Sīrāf - قيس (settlement) Names: Qīs"A port of the Persian Gulf which flourished in the early Islamic centuries as one of the main commercial centres of the Gulf..."URI:
al-Sitār - الستار (settlement) Names: A region (nāḥiya) in Bahrain containing more than one hundred villages.URI:
al-Sitār - الستار (settlement) Names: A region (nāḥiya) in Bahrain containing more than one hundred villages.URI:
Ṣuḥār - صحار (settlement) Names: Sohar"A town situated in the middle of the flat and sandy bay which is found on the coast of Arabia between Masḳaṭ in the..."URI:
Ṣuḥār - صحار (settlement) Names: Sohar"A town situated in the middle of the flat and sandy bay which is found on the coast of Arabia between Masḳaṭ in the..."URI:
Sulṭāniyya - السلطانية (settlement) Names: Sultaniyyehal-SulṭānīyaSoltaniyehA town in the Zanjān province in northwest Iran .URI:
Sulṭāniyya - السلطانية (settlement) Names: Sultaniyyehal-SulṭānīyaSoltaniyehA town in the Zanjān province in northwest Iran .URI:
Ṣūr - صور (settlement) Names: A port city next to Qalhāt in ʿUmān.URI:
Ṣūr - صور (settlement) Names: A port city next to Qalhāt in ʿUmān.URI:
Surra man Raʾā - سر من رأى (settlement) Names: SāmarrāʾSurra man raʾySāmarrā"A town on the east bank of the middle Tigris in ʿIrāḳ 125 km north of Bag̲h̲dād of about 35 ha in 1924..."URI:
Surra man Raʾā - سر من رأى (settlement) Names: SāmarrāʾSurra man raʾySāmarrā"A town on the east bank of the middle Tigris in ʿIrāḳ 125 km north of Bag̲h̲dād of about 35 ha in 1924..."URI:
al-Sūs - السوس (settlement) Names: A city in the district of al-Sūs located in the Maghrib.URI: