Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Ṣahyūn - صهيون (settlement) Names: Zion"A stronghold of the D̲j̲abal al ʿAlawiyyīn Nuṣayrī Mountains situated about 25 km 15 miles north east of the Syrian port of ¶..."URI:
Ṣahyūn - صهيون (settlement) Names: Zion"A stronghold of the D̲j̲abal al ʿAlawiyyīn Nuṣayrī Mountains situated about 25 km 15 miles north east of the Syrian port of ¶..."URI:
Salamiyya - ܣܠܡܝܗ̇ - سلمية (settlement) Names: SalamyaSalamiasSalamiyeSalamīya"A town in central Syria in the district of Orontes Nahr al ʿĀṣī about 25 miles south east of Ḥamāt and 35 miles..."URI:
Salamiyya - ܣܠܡܝܗ̇ - سلمية (settlement) Names: SalamyaSalamiasSalamiyeSalamīya"A town in central Syria in the district of Orontes Nahr al ʿĀṣī about 25 miles south east of Ḥamāt and 35 miles..."URI:
Salamiyya - ܣܠܡܝܗ̇ - سلمية (settlement) Names: SalamyaSalamiasSalamiyeSalamīya"A town in central Syria in the district of Orontes Nahr al ʿĀṣī about 25 miles south east of Ḥamāt and 35 miles..."URI:
al-Ṣāliḥiyya - الصالحية (settlement) Names: al-ṢāliḥīyaA town in Egypt located at the edge of the Sinai Peninsula.URI:
al-Ṣāliḥiyya - الصالحية (settlement) Names: al-ṢāliḥīyaA town in Egypt located at the edge of the Sinai Peninsula.URI:
Samaheej - ܡܫܡܗܝܓ - سَماهيج (settlement) Names: MayshamhagMashmahīgSamāhījMâšmâhȋgMâšmahȋgA metropolitan town on an island in Beth Qaṭraye .URI:
Samaheej - ܡܫܡܗܝܓ - سَماهيج (settlement) Names: MayshamhagMashmahīgSamāhījMâšmâhȋgMâšmahȋgA metropolitan town on an island in Beth Qaṭraye .URI:
Samaheej - ܡܫܡܗܝܓ - سَماهيج (settlement) Names: MayshamhagMashmahīgSamāhījMâšmâhȋgMâšmahȋgA metropolitan town on an island in Beth Qaṭraye .URI:
Samarqand - سمرقند (settlement) Names: "An ancient city of Transoxania , the Arabic Māʾ warāʾ al-Nahr [q.v.], situated on the southern bank of the Zarafs̲h̲ān river or Nahr Ṣug̲h̲d ."URI:
Samarqand - سمرقند (settlement) Names: "An ancient city of Transoxania , the Arabic Māʾ warāʾ al-Nahr [q.v.], situated on the southern bank of the Zarafs̲h̲ān river or Nahr Ṣug̲h̲d ."URI:
Samīra - سميرة (settlement) Names: SumayraSumayrāʾaA town in northern Arabia south of Ḥāʾil.URI:
Samīra - سميرة (settlement) Names: SumayraSumayrāʾaA town in northern Arabia south of Ḥāʾil.URI: