Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Sīnāʾ - سيناء (region) Names: SinaiThe peninsula in between the Gulf of Suez, the Red Sea, and the Gulf of ʿAqaba.URI:
Syria - الشام (region) Names: al-ShāmHistorical region located between Mediterranean Sea and region of ʿIrāq.URI:
Syria - الشام (region) Names: al-ShāmHistorical region located between Mediterranean Sea and region of ʿIrāq.URI:
Syria - ܣܘܪܝܐ - الشأم (region) Names: al-ShāmA historical region bounded on the north by the Euphrates River and the Taurus Mountains on the west by the Mediterranean Sea on the...URI:
Syria - ܣܘܪܝܐ - الشأم (region) Names: al-ShāmA historical region bounded on the north by the Euphrates River and the Taurus Mountains on the west by the Mediterranean Sea on the...URI:
Syria - ܣܘܪܝܐ - الشأم (region) Names: al-ShāmA historical region bounded on the north by the Euphrates River and the Taurus Mountains on the west by the Mediterranean Sea on the...URI:
al-Thaghr - الثغز (region) Names: The border area of northern Syria and Mesopotamia between the Byzantine Empire and the caliphate.URI:
al-Thaghr - الثغز (region) Names: The border area of northern Syria and Mesopotamia between the Byzantine Empire and the caliphate.URI:
Tibet - التبت (region) Names: A mountainous region between India , China , and Central Asia .URI:
Tibet - التبت (region) Names: A mountainous region between India , China , and Central Asia .URI:
Tibet - التبت (region) Names: al-TubbatA mountainous region northeast of India and west of China .URI:
Tibet - التبت (region) Names: al-TubbatA mountainous region northeast of India and west of China .URI:
Tihāma - تهامة (region) Names: "A lso not infrequently appearing as al Tahāʾim in mediaeval sources the area of the Red Sea coastal plain stretching from ʿAḳaba in..."URI:
Tihāma - تهامة (region) Names: "A lso not infrequently appearing as al Tahāʾim in mediaeval sources the area of the Red Sea coastal plain stretching from ʿAḳaba in..."URI: