Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Baḥr al-Qulzum - بحر القلزم (open-water) Names: Khalīj al-SuwaysGulf of SuezA gulf west of the Sinai Peninsula demarcating the north end of the Red Sea.URI:
Baḥr al-Qulzum - بحر القلزم (open-water) Names: Khalīj al-SuwaysGulf of SuezA gulf west of the Sinai Peninsula demarcating the north end of the Red Sea.URI:
Baḥr Jidda - بحر جدة (open-water) Names: Baḥr JeddahProbably the part of the Red Sea surrounding Jeddah.URI:
Baḥr Jidda - بحر جدة (open-water) Names: Baḥr JeddahProbably the part of the Red Sea surrounding Jeddah.URI:
Baḥr Ṭabarīya - بحر طبرية (open-water) Names: Buḥayrat ṬabarīyaSea of GalileeLake TiberiasKinneretKinnerethA lake in the north east of Israel/Palestine.URI:
Baḥr Ṭabarīya - بحر طبرية (open-water) Names: Buḥayrat ṬabarīyaSea of GalileeLake TiberiasKinneretKinnerethA lake in the north east of Israel/Palestine.URI:
Caspian Sea - ܝܡܐ ܕܩܙܒܝܢ - بحر طبرستان وجرجان (open-water) Names: Baḥr ṬabaristānCaspiumHyrcanium MareA large inland sea north of Iran and east of Adharbayjān .URI:
Caspian Sea - ܝܡܐ ܕܩܙܒܝܢ - بحر طبرستان وجرجان (open-water) Names: Baḥr ṬabaristānCaspiumHyrcanium MareA large inland sea north of Iran and east of Adharbayjān .URI:
Caspian Sea - ܝܡܐ ܕܩܙܒܝܢ - بحر طبرستان وجرجان (open-water) Names: Baḥr ṬabaristānCaspiumHyrcanium MareA large inland sea north of Iran and east of Adharbayjān .URI: