Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Mosul - ܡܘܨܠ - الموصل (settlement) Names: Nu-ArdashirBu-ArdashirArdashiral-MauṣilMespilaMūṣulMuṣulMusulal-MawşilMossulal-Mauşilal-Mausilal-Mawsilel-Mausilal-Mawṣil"City in the north of Iraq , on the west bank of the Tigris opposite the ruins of ancient Nineveh ."URI:
Mosul - ܡܘܨܠ - الموصل (settlement) Names: Nu-ArdashirBu-ArdashirArdashiral-MauṣilMespilaMūṣulMuṣulMusulal-MawşilMossulal-Mauşilal-Mausilal-Mawsilel-Mausilal-Mawṣil"City in the north of Iraq , on the west bank of the Tigris opposite the ruins of ancient Nineveh ."URI:
Mosul - ܡܘܨܠ - الموصل (settlement) Names: Nu-ArdashirBu-ArdashirArdashiral-MauṣilMespilaMūṣulMuṣulMusulal-MawşilMossulal-Mauşilal-Mausilal-Mawsilel-Mausilal-Mawṣil"City in the north of Iraq , on the west bank of the Tigris opposite the ruins of ancient Nineveh ."URI:
al-Munkharaq - المنخرق (settlement) Names: Located in Ḥīra between Māksīn and al-Furāt.URI:
al-Munkharaq - المنخرق (settlement) Names: Located in Ḥīra between Māksīn and al-Furāt.URI: