Index of Places in The Beth Qaṭraye Gazetteer

Bāb Jiyād al-Aṣghar - باب جياد الأصغر (unknown) Names: Bāb al-KhalqīyīnOne of the entrances to the Great Mosque in Mecca.URI:
Bāb Jiyād al-Aṣghar - باب جياد الأصغر (unknown) Names: Bāb al-KhalqīyīnOne of the entrances to the Great Mosque in Mecca.URI:
Bāb ʿAlī - باب علي (unknown) Names: One of the entrances to the Great Mosque in Mecca on the eastern side.URI:
Bāb ʿAlī - باب علي (unknown) Names: One of the entrances to the Great Mosque in Mecca on the eastern side.URI:
Bādghīs - بادغيس (region) Names: "Bādghīs (or Bādhgīs) is a mountainous region in eastern Khurāsān , north of Herat ."URI:
Bādghīs - بادغيس (region) Names: "Bādghīs (or Bādhgīs) is a mountainous region in eastern Khurāsān , north of Herat ."URI:
Badr - بدر (settlement) Names: "Badr or Badr Ḥunayn a small town south west of Medina a night s journey from the coast and at the junction of a..."URI:
Badr - بدر (settlement) Names: "Badr or Badr Ḥunayn a small town south west of Medina a night s journey from the coast and at the junction of a..."URI:
Baghdad - ܒܓܕܕ - بغداد (settlement) Names: Babylonal-SalāmBaghdād"City on the Tigris, approximately 35 km. north of Seleucia-Ctesiphon."URI:
Baghdad - ܒܓܕܕ - بغداد (settlement) Names: Babylonal-SalāmBaghdād"City on the Tigris, approximately 35 km. north of Seleucia-Ctesiphon."URI:
Baghdad - ܒܓܕܕ - بغداد (settlement) Names: Babylonal-SalāmBaghdād"City on the Tigris, approximately 35 km. north of Seleucia-Ctesiphon."URI:
Baḥr al-Qulzum - بحر القلزم (open-water) Names: Khalīj al-SuwaysGulf of SuezA gulf west of the Sinai Peninsula demarcating the north end of the Red Sea.URI:
Baḥr al-Qulzum - بحر القلزم (open-water) Names: Khalīj al-SuwaysGulf of SuezA gulf west of the Sinai Peninsula demarcating the north end of the Red Sea.URI: